September Quarterly Market Review

It’s Spring time again, and 2024 is shaping as another busy selling season. Yet before looking too far ahead, let’s take a quick look back over the past quarter. 

It’s been another splintered market across Australia for the September Quarter. Whilst New South Wales and Western Australia are seeing an increase in sales numbers from this time last year, Victoria, Queensland and Tasmania have seen a slight decrease. In the ACT and Northern Territory, the market has remained relatively stable.

Overall, the market outlook for late 2024 suggests a gradual recovery in sales volumes, supported by easing economic pressures like inflation and interest rates.

Whilst some real estate commentators are still predicting massive price corrections across the entire Australian Landscape, the Goulburn Market is yet to see leading indicators to support that this may be ahead.

With a steady increase in the number of new listings coming to the market throughout July and August, which has continued into the first half of September, it is likely many sellers have been busy preparing and moving early to place their property up for sale this Spring.

If you’re considering selling, September and October are great months to take action if your hope is to be settled into your new home by Christmas.


Whatever your property plans are for the next few months, as always, we’re here to help. Thank you for taking the time to read our brief market update.


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